

Biggest health lesson in 12+ years

Published 4 months ago • 1 min read

I've been in the health world for over 12+ years: competing as a pro athlete, working through chronic pain, building a company in the health/supplement space, training people, and working with health influencers.

And there is a giant gap in all of it.

Working with health influencers, I've noticed many of them are depleted of energy and struggle immensely with body-image issues.

The more they obsess over their health, the more they struggle.

And in that I realized something.

In this endless pursuit to "fix" their health issues, they aren't looking for health.

They are looking for God. They just don't know it.

They are searching for the satisfaction of the soul. Peace in the storm. Joy in the face of trials.

And they think that if they can get healthy - all will be well.

But here's the secret:

You were never meant to focus on your health.

Your body is designed with unfathomable intelligence to produce energy and renew itself.

The sun, mineral-rich soil, movement, pure water, family & community, physical labor, natural vegetation, animal nutrients... God provided everything we need for effortless health.

This is original design health.

Health as a gift. A byproduct of living in alignment with how God ordered the world.

Now I know this sounds like a fairytale. Our modern times are a far cry from this reality because we have ventured far outside of God's order.

But I see people genuinely suffering in their health - overwhelmed and aching.

And I also see a $20+ billion industry offering bandaid fixes.

And the missing piece in all of it is God.

The creator. The giver of life itself.

I'm not against health programs, supplements, and products. I buy them and use them daily. They are helpful, but they are not the answer.

More access to health information and yet, obesity rates and chronic diseases are on the rise.

How can that be?

Because we've divorced God from health. We have information with no revelation.

So that is what this newsletter is going to explore from now on (I think).

That doesn't mean the practical stuff is going away. Quite the opposite - true revelation is always practical.

But I'm searching for the ideas, principles, and frameworks that get us back to the original design.

I don't know how often I'll send newsletters, but as I search and discover, I'll share.


In health,


Get easy actionable health insights so you can go live with energy and purpose.

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